a tool for hassle-free auditing

No, Nxtaudit can be used by any audit professional for any type of industry

All types of audits can be carried out with our product. There are certain templates made available in the product and more will be added in due course and you have the right to create your own templates as well to suit your specific requirement

Certainly, customization is the best part of our product , without compromising on the security aspects.

 The application has undergone the security vulnerability scan using the OWASP Zap and  Acunetix and it has all the OWASP compliance.

To simplify, our software triggers a transformation from the old way of doing things to doing things efficiently within the timeframes. Improper management and lengthy processes used to be the major hit backs in the traditional concept and this would be replace by quick, efficient and secured Audits. Audit documentation has been a concern all throughout and there has been numerous cases on audit quality and this product will help you to create a proper working paper of the audit assignment and will ensure that the audit done covers all areas and has captured all material aspects and above all, you have the option to print the final set of working papers or store them is soft copy for future reference.

It is very simple, just register online for the trial version and if you feel that this product will be useful for you and help you comply with the Auditing and assurance standards, purchase the licence online and continue using the product easily.

Yes, The software is browser based and it supports all W3C browsers. Customisation can be done on the on-premises mode of deployment and can incorporate the platforms requires, even as a Mobile Application.

This will ensure that you are well informed about the audits done by your team even when you are on a business travel. You can respond to the querries raised by the audit team easily from the  dash board and you can monitor the progress of each of the audit from a very simple dash board. This will enable you to plan and take appropriate actions to complete the audit in the planned manner in an efficient manner.

The product will be updated with more features and you will be posted about the same from time to time.

Yes. You can register for the trial version and can be used up to 100 days. The trial product has all the features of the licensed product but you can add only data of 5 companies and register up to 10 users only. The license fee has been kept very nominal so that you can easily upgrade the trial version to the licensed version by making the license fee payment online at your convenience.

Yes. You can register for the trial version and can be used up to 100 days. The trial product has all the features of the licensed product but you can add only data of 5 companies and register up to 10 users only. The license fee has been kept very nominal so that you can easily upgrade the trial version to the licensed version by making the license fee payment online at your convenience.

Not at all. It is a very simple product and you can use the product easily without the support of any IT experts. If you have any queries, our team will be happy to help you and make you comfortable using the product.

Yes. The product is designed to give you better user experience and convenience and you will start feeling the easiness shortly after starting the use of the product for your audit engagements.

© 2021 eAudit Tech. All rights reserved. Proudly made in India



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